Your partner, your voice when seeking community feedback, collaborations and neighborhood connections.

Sources: Center for Wooden Boats, Elston Hill,
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Lifestring Photography,
Wendy Simon Photography and MOHAI

The South Lake Union Community Council serves many roles on behalf of and with the South Lake Union community as the City of Seattle’s designated Neighborhood Leadership Organization.

Owner and interpreter of the SLU Urban Center Neighborhood Plan
Voice of SLU neighborhood during Design Review process.
Steward of SLU Landscape Conservation and Local Infrastructure Program
Oversite of the North Downtown Mobility Plan
Advocate and Collaborator for Projects and Initiatives
Connector for Mercer Corridor Stakeholders by hosting website page


What lies ahead?

A great deal has been accomplished. More remains to be done: more new building design reviews; more advocacy; more grass roots initiatives; more streetscape and park improvements; more mobility and transit collaborations; more updated legislation.

Source: Vulcan Real Estate

Community Meeting

The Foundation of Success

Engaged Volunteers

You too can get involved. Join your neighbors, and share in the satisfaction of making a difference. SLUCC invites all South Lake Union residents, employees, and small business owners to Join Us. There are many ways to do so.


Supportive Sponsors


  • Seattle Department of Neighborhoods

    Seattle Department of Neighborhoods

    The SLUCC Website Upgrade Project, funded in part by a $5,000 Neighborhood Matching Fund award from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

  • Mirabella Seattle Foundation

    Mirabella Seattle Foundation

    The SLUCC Website Upgrade Project, funded in part by a $5,000 grant from the Mirabella Seattle Foundation.


  • Lloyd Douglas

    John Pehrson

    In Honor of Lloyd Douglas
    an SLU Chamber
    Volunteer of the Year

  • Vulcan



  • NBBJ



  • Allen Institute

    Allen Institute


  • Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

    Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center


  • University of Washington

    UW Medicine


  • PCMC




News & Upcoming Events

  • SLUCC General Meeting

    General meetings offer SLU residents, employees, and businesses an opportunity to learn about and join lively discussions on topics that affect the SLU neighborhood on a wide range of issues. Each meeting features a presentation on a topic relevant to a current issue.

    SLUCC General meetings occur the first Tuesday of each month from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

    Contact for more information.

  • Policy and Planning Committee Meeting

    PPC addresses issues around land use, planning, and zoning-related questions. Members of the community are invited to hear presentations from design teams, city agency staff, and other stakeholders on projects in the neighborhood.

    PPC meetings occur on third Tuesdays of each month from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

    Contact for more information.

  • Design Review Meetings

    The City of Seattle's Design Review boards provide guidance on building developments in Seattle neighborhoods. Sign up to attend. It is easy to do so. 1) Click on Design Review Meetings - Upcoming Reviews - Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections. 2) Scroll down to District, select West in the menu then GO! 3) Sign up for the project review you would like to attend.